Zabbix Configuration

Configuring Zabbix comes in multiple parts.


It is important to note where es_stats_zabbix installs the entry points for this part. If you installed to a virtualenv, then the path will be /my/chosen/path/bin/. If you installed to the system Python by being root or using sudo, then the path can be determined with which esz_get_stat. The response will be something like /usr/bin/esz_get_stat, so the path would be /usr/bin. If you installed via pip to your username, e.g. pip install --user ., then the path will be $HOME/.local/bin.

Creating es_stats_zbx.conf

A sample of the necessary Zabbix config file entries is included in the source repository at

# $1 is api, $2 is endpoint, $3 is node
UserParameter=es_stat[*],/usr/bin/esz_get_stat --node="$3" $1 $2

# $1 is node, $2 is show_all
UserParameter=es_stats_discovery[*],/usr/bin/esz_discovery --node="$1" --show_all="$2"

# $1 is either 'cluster' or 'nodes'
# $2 is any arbitrary value (allows for multiple keys to use this script)
UserParameter=es_cluster_discovery[*],/usr/bin/esz_cluster_discovery --flag="$2" --value="$1"

# $1 is node, $2 is any arbitrary value (allows for multiple keys to use this script)
UserParameter=es_node_discovery[*],/usr/bin/esz_node_discovery --flag="$2" "$1"

# $1 is node, $2 is any arbitrary value (allows for multiple keys to use this script)
UserParameter=es_trapper_discovery[*],/usr/bin/esz_trapper_discovery --flag="$2" --node="$1"

# $1 is node, $2 is nodetype, $3 is interval
UserParameter=es_trapper_stats[*],/usr/bin/esz_trapper_stats --interval="$3" $1 $2

In this file, the PATH is /usr/bin. Replace /usr/bin with your path, e.g. /my/chosen/path/bin/esz_discovery, for each line.

Installing es_stats_zbx.conf

The es_stats_zbx.conf file can then be placed in /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d as es_stats_zbx.conf. A corresponding Include line should be present in the zabbix_agentd.conf file:


This will ensure that anything ending with .conf will be read from /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d. If your Zabbix agent has been installed to a different path, you may need to adapt to suit the target location.

Adding the discovery template to your Zabbix host

The Zabbix templates can be found at where ES_VERSION will be the major.minor release of Elasticsearch you plan to monitor. Your version may or may not exist in the repository yet.

Instructions for importing templates into Zabbix can be found at


The Zabbix host that is running the es_stats_zabbix backend should be the one that has the template assigned.